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VIP Call Submission Form

I'm looking forward to our two small-group Consulting Calls for 7-Figure Product Suite business owners!

Through this form, you'll have the opportunity to submit questions or your work for feedback. For example, you might submit one section of one of the worksheets, or you can ask a general question about your online business.
Each person will have 5-10 minutes at max per call, so my best tip is to ask something specific so that I can make the most of our time together. (And I'll encourage peers to participate in the chat, so I definitely don't plan to be the only person offering ideas and support.)

First & last name

Choose your coaching call:

You can submit one question/work per call. And if you can't join live, I'll share a timestamp for you in the recording, which is sent out the next business day.
Choose your coaching call:

Your Question/Topic/Request

Share a brief explanation about how I can help you. (The more specific your questions are, the better!)
If you'd like feedback on your work, please include a link to the document here, too. And if it's a Google Doc, make sure you've updated the settings to Anyone with the link can view.

Anything else you'd like me to know? (optional)

This will just be between us. Feel free to leave it blank.